Vaccine Community Mobilization Grants

Apply Now for Vaccine Community Mobilization Grants

En Español

Reaching unvaccinated populations in Chicagoland will take the expertise of organizations that work in those communities every day. That’s why we’ve announced at least $1,000,000 in grant funds to support ongoing community mobilization efforts around the COVID-19 vaccine, administered by the United Way of Metropolitan Chicago.

The Chicagoland Vaccine Partnership, staffed by Partners In Health, is accepting grant proposals from organizations that demonstrate deep community relationships in the geographic areas most impacted by COVID-19. We encourage organizations to submit creative proposals about how they can best reach their communities to improve both vaccination rates and access to public health.

Individual organizations can apply for up to $25,000 in grant funding, and multiple collaborating organizations can apply for up to $75,000. Grants for individual organizations are designed to support organizations with annual operating budgets up to $500,000.

Who Should Apply?

You do not need to be a public health focused organization to have a big impact on the health of your community. We encourage faith groups, youth development programs, and any other type of organization with established connections to populations with lower vaccination rates to apply. Applications will be considered based on the following factors:

  • Population served: Black, Latinx, undocumented immigrants, school personnel and early childhood educators, youth 12-24, people with disabilities, aging adults, families with children, and people experiencing homelessness and or domestic violence.
  • Geography: communities with high instances of confirmed cases of COVID (rate or number); high rates of chronic disease, and poverty in Chicago and Suburban Cook County.
  • Programs or activities: staffing for outreach events, community-led events to access and/or educate around the COVID-19 vaccine, hyperlocal campaigns with fact-based, culturally-competent messaging around the vaccine, communication efforts for communities where vaccination lags.
  • Educator and Youth-serving approaches: Dedicated funding is available for projects focused on supporting education and access for (a) employees within early childhood, K-12 and postsecondary education organizations and (b) children and youth, including college students.
Eligibility Criteria

To be considered for funding, organizations (or their fiscal agent) must meet the following criteria:

  • 501c3 status with good financial standing at start of COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Operating budgets up to $500K for a single organization, unless the entity is representing a coalition, collective, or serving as a fiscal agent. For example, a group of schools or coalition of nonprofit operators.
  • Service areas within Chicago and Suburban Cook County.
Grant timeline
  • Monday, June 28 – Application opens
  • July 14 at 2PM. July 16 at 2PM. July 21 at 2PM – Information sessions. Email to register for information sessions
  • Monday, July 26 – Application closes at 5:00 pm
  • Week of August 9 – Notification of grant awards/recipients

When clicking the “Apply Now” button, you will be re-directed to the United Way of Metropolitan Chicago’s website to complete the application.

What counts as vaccine outreach?

These vaccine community mobilization grants are meant to be flexible so they can support whatever activities you believe will be most effective in reaching the communities you serve. Funds can be spent on events, staff, or resources needed to conduct outreach. Community mobilization can mean supporting a community event that is paired with giving vaccinations such as a summer concert or church BBQ. Community mobilization could also mean funds to fix and fuel vans so your organization can go door-to-door with vaccine information. Use your knowledge of how your organization and community work to let us know what you need to increase access to public health.

Can I submit my application in Spanish?

Yes. Find the Spanish language page here.

What does this have to do with the City of Chicago and Cook County’s equity work?

These grants are meant to amplify health equity efforts in Chicagoland. We aim to provide grants that help hyper-local organizations build capacity to support the work the city and county are doing.

What definition of ‘coalition work’ fits the grant criteria?

If your organization is actively working in tandem with several partners to put on a vaccination event, conduct door-to-door outreach, promote vaccine education or other public health outreach activities, you can apply as a group for a grant between $25,000-$75,000.

How long will I have to expend the grant?

Grant funds can be spent up to one year after they have been awarded.

Why does the grant application ask questions that don’t impact funding decisions?

We want to be able to support your organization to succeed. Application questions are designed to provide a better sense of how your organization operates and to identify areas for potential future support.

Can I apply if my organization has already received funding for this work through the Chicagoland Vaccine Partnership or another source?

Organizations that have previously received funding from the Vaccine Partnership may still apply as long as you meet the eligibility requirements and additional funds would help continue or scale your work. You will be asked in the application about current sources of funding for this work.

Where can I get additional support on my application?

Please email for help with specific application questions